T8 5FT 1500mm 22w LED Tube Light
የተለያዩ የብርሃን ምንጭ
- Fluorescent light source – life span around 8000 hours; energy efficiency 40%.
- አመላካች የብርሃን ምንጭ - የሕይወት ዘመን በ 1000 ሰዓታት አካባቢ; የኃይል ቆጣቢነት 10%.
- T8 5FT 1500mm 22w LED light is a great alternative light source with life span at least 30 000 hours and energy efficiency up to 90%.
ኃይል እና ወጪ ቆጣቢ
The key to energy and cost saving are light emitting diodes (LED). When electricity is passed through LED’s, they convert 90% of energy to light. Rest of energy is transferred to heat. If you use incandescent tubes, they convert 10% of energy to light only and rest of energy is lost producing heat. This simple description of light sources features shows how LED lighting can reduce your electricity bills up to 90%. LED tubes are not cheap to buy, but much cheaper to run over their life span than incandescent tubes.
- Long Life: 50, 000 + hour lifespan exceeds even the highest quality fluorescents.
- Extreme Efficiency: Over 80% more efficient than traditional fluorescents.
- Flicker-Free Lighting: Eliminate eye strain and headaches associated with fluorescents lighting.
- የሻርት ማረጋገጫ ንድፍ-ቢጣልም እንኳ አይሰበርም ፡
- ሁለቴ የኃይል ቁጠባዎች: - የኤልዲ ቧንቧ የበለጠ ኃይልን እንኳን ቆጣቢ ቆጣቢ አያስፈልገውም ፡
- በውስጡ ምንም ሜርኩሪ የለም- የሜርኩሪ ብክለት አማራጭ በማይሆንበት ጊዜ መብራትን ለመጠቀም ይፈቅዳል ፡
- ተጣጣፊ ቮልቴጅ- የመብራት ኤሲ 85-300V ግብዓት አካባቢዎችን ይጠቀሙ ፡
- ምንም ጣልቃ ገብነት- ትክክለኛ መሳሪያዎች በፍሎረሰንት ሊረበሹ ለሚችሉ ቅንጅቶች ፍጹም ፡
- ፈጣን ጅምር- ሙቀቱ ወይም ሁኔታው ምንም ይሁን ምን ወዲያውኑ ይጀምራል ፡
በቤት ውስጥ የጣሪያ መብራት ፋንታ; ትምህርት ቤት, ዩኒቨርሲቲዎች, ሆስፒታሎች; የስብሰባ ወይም የመሰብሰቢያ ክፍል ፣ ማሳያ ክፍል; የንግድ ውስብስብ ነገሮች; ፋብሪካዎች / ቢሮዎች; ሱፐር ማርኬቶች; የመኖሪያ / ተቋም ሕንፃዎች.