በ 24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ መልስ

+86 135 4334 3078 እ.ኤ.አ.

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Company Culture Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.

company culture

በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Company Culture Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Company Culture Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
በኤም.ኤል.ኤል. ፣ በ FCC ፣ በ CE ፣ በ ROHS ፣ በ TUV ፣ በኤም.ኤል. ፣ በ ‹ነዳጅ› ጣቢያ ፣ በአትክልት ፣ በሱፐር ማርኬት ፣ በሱቅ ወዘተ ... በመጠቀም የመጋዘን ከፍተኛ ወሽመጥ እና የጎዳና አምፖልን ለመተካት ታዋቂ የሆነው MIC መሪ የበቆሎ ብርሃን
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Company Culture Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
MIC led corn light certificated Company Culture with ETL, FCC, CE, ROHS, TUV, Popular used for replacing warehouse high bay and street bulb, using in a petrol station, garden, supermarket, shop, etc.
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
ኤምአይሲ በቻይና ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራት እና የፀሐይ ብርሃን መብራቶች ትልቁ አምራቾች ፣ አቅራቢዎች እና ላኪዎች እንዲሁም በኃይል ቆጣቢ መፍትሔዎች ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም አቅራቢ ነው ፡፡
© የቅጂ መብት 2010-2020: ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠበቁ ናቸው. ዲዛይን በ ኤች.ኪ.ቲ