በ 24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ መልስ

+86 135 4334 3078 እ.ኤ.አ.

8:00 ~ ~ 22:00 pm

Widely used in construction site lighting, plant lighting, sports centers, gas stations, parking lots, waiting rooms, railway stations, sea port other large-scale energy-efficient lighting
ሚክ ኦፕቶሮክቶኒክ CO., LTD
We export to over 150 counties worldwide including the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Australia and Oceania. We have a strong R&D team which develops new products every year so that our customers can have the latest that technology can provide. We stay up to date with all the new developments in lighting technology. With our strong know how and experiences in the industry, we have been able to maintain our leadership in the LED lighting industry. We place a very strong emphasis on the quality of our products. We use the best LED lights (ie: Philips LED and Meanwell Drivers). Our products all carry a 5 year warranty and we place the lights free of charge within the warranty period. We have a large group of satisfied and happy customers.
300 Employees on Worldwide
126 Satisfaction Clients
14 Years Experience
209 Projects in 188 countries
We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High mast LED Flood Lights, LED Street Lights, LED Tunnel Lights, LED Shoebox and Canopy Lights, LED Wall Pack Lights, LED Corn Lights, UFO LED High Bay and Down Lights, LED Panel Lights and all the other types of LED Lights.
We provide the best solutions for lighting in different areas
For some clients, the prospect of converting and upgrading to LED lighting can be a daunting one. It is vital for us to have a clear and full understanding of the existing lighting conditions for us to provide the best and most economic solution to the customer. MIC can provide those solutions without additional cost.
We can customize a variety of LED products
This involves detailed pre-construction planning crucial to a successful project. Our on-time deliveries allows the client a clear pathway and timetable for the completion of their project. It can also help them win bids with the best prices, quality and deliveries.
They all chose to work with us resulting in great success. We look forward to having you on board!
ኤምአይሲ በቻይና ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራት እና የፀሐይ ብርሃን መብራቶች ትልቁ አምራቾች ፣ አቅራቢዎች እና ላኪዎች እንዲሁም በኃይል ቆጣቢ መፍትሔዎች ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም አቅራቢ ነው ፡፡
© የቅጂ መብት 2010-2020: ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠበቁ ናቸው. ዲዛይን በ ኤች.ኪ.ቲ