G Series 480w LED የመንገድ መብራት
ደቂቃ የትእዛዝ ብዛት: 100pcs
ፈጣን መረጃ
የራሳችን ብራንድ MIC LED ከተመሰረተ ጀምሮ በጠንካራ የ R&D አቅም ፣ በሙያዊ የቴክኒክ ቡድን እና በኢንዱስትሪው ውስጥ የበለፀገ ልምድ በመያዝ በየዓመቱ ከደንበኞች ከሚጠበቀው በላይ አዳዲስ ምርቶችን እንጀምራለን ፣ ይህም ሁልጊዜ የኢንዱስትሪ አዝማሚያውን ይመራል ፡፡
- መግለጫ
- ዝርዝር መግለጫ
ጂ ተከታታይ 480w የኤልዲ የመንገድ ላይ መብራት
MIC G series LED የመንገድ መብራት / የጎርፍ ብርሃን
G Series 480w LED Street Light is Super bright 160lm/w LED floodlight 240w-1440w, add adjustable arm and transform to LED street light, which ranges from 240w-720w.
በጣም ጥሩ የሙቀት ማባከን አፈፃፀም
G Series 480w LED Street Light Adopt top-quality aluminum fin design, greatly increase the area to take the heat out.
ብዙ የጨረር አንግል ሌንስ አማራጭ
የተለያዩ የመብራት መስፈርቶችን ለማሟላት የተመጣጠነ የጨረር አንግል ከ 8 ዲግሪ እስከ 90 ድግሪ አማራጭ እና ያልተመጣጠነ የጨረር አንግል 140 * 100 ይገኛል ፡፡
የሞዱል አቅጣጫ ሊስተካከል የሚችል
እያንዳንዱ ሞጁል 35 ዲግሪዎች የሚስተካከል ሲሆን የ U ቅንፍ ደግሞ 180 ዲግሪ ሊስተካከል የሚችል ነው
ሞጁል ቡድን ሊስተካከል የሚችል
ለአንድ ቡድን እያንዳንዱ 2 ሞጁሎች ፣ ይህም 35 ዲግሪ ሊስተካከል የሚችል ነው ፡፡
የጎርፍ መጥለቅለቅ ጭነት
U ቅንፍ ጭነት.
የጎዳና ላይ መብራት መጫኛ
ሊሽከረከሩ የሚችሉ ሳህኖች እና ሊስተካከል የሚችል ክንድ ይህ ምርት እንደ ኤልኢዲ የጎዳና መብራት ሊያገለግል ይችላል ፡፡
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
የአይቲኤም ቁጥር | ኤምኤፍኤል-ጂ 240-ኤ | ኤምኤፍኤል-ጂ 360-ኤ | ኤምኤፍኤል-ጂ 480-ኤ | ኤምኤፍኤል-ግ600-ኤ | ኤምኤፍኤል-ጂ 720-ኤ |
LED Power | 240 ዋ | 360 ዋ | 480 ወ | 600 ዋ | 720 ዋ |
LED chip | 5050 LED 92pcs | 5050 LED 138pcs | 5050 LED 184pcs | 5050 LED 230pcs | 5050 LED 276pcs |
የሚያበራ ፍሰት | > 38400 ኤል | > 57600LM | > 76800LM | > 96000LM | > 115200LM |
የምርት መጠን | 250*332*180mm | 480*350*180mm | 628*350*180mm | 776*350*180mm | 924*350*180mm |