በ 24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ መልስ

+86 135 4334 3078 እ.ኤ.አ.

8:00 ~ ~ 22:00 pm

ቤት> ምርቶች> የ LED የመንገድ መብራት> ሁሉም በአንድ የሶላር ኤልዲ ጎዳና ውስጥ

ሁሉም በአንድ የሶላር ኤልዲ ጎዳና ውስጥ

All in One Solar LED Street combines today's best green energy portfolio (solar energy, semiconductor LED light source, dedicated battery for street lights). It uses excellent practical control technology, such as a microcontroller, thermal infrared human body induction, etc. Then combines with the simple integrated structure design, perfectly achieve higher brightness with lower power consumption,

(average 6w power consumption equals 100w incandescent lamp's illumination) , long life span and free maintenance, excellent waterproof and heat dissipation, at the same time with convenient installation.

solar-powered street lamp provides the adaptive proportion dimming profile for the output constant current level to perform up to 12 consecutive hours.

The light is on for 12 hours every day. In the first four hours, the power decreases gradually. In the second four hours, the power is maintained at 50%, and in the third four hours, the power is maintained at 25%

The position of each module, with adjustable direction, illuminates a wide range of light, and it is also possible to install modules on both sides of the light to achieve the effect of illuminating both sides. Its brightness is stronger than normal street lights, reaching 170lm/W

Double-sided solar panel LED street light Double-sided solar panel LED street light Double-sided solar panel LED street light
ኤምአይሲ በቻይና ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራት እና የፀሐይ ብርሃን መብራቶች ትልቁ አምራቾች ፣ አቅራቢዎች እና ላኪዎች እንዲሁም በኃይል ቆጣቢ መፍትሔዎች ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም አቅራቢ ነው ፡፡
© የቅጂ መብት 2010-2020: ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠበቁ ናቸው. ዲዛይን በ ኤች.ኪ.ቲ