በ 24 ሰዓታት ውስጥ መልስ

+86 135 4334 3078 እ.ኤ.አ.

8:00 ~ ~ 22:00 pm

20w led flood light-01
20w led flood light-02

New 20w LED Flood Light Water proof Light

ደቂቃ የትእዛዝ ብዛት: 100pcs

ፈጣን መረጃ

የራሳችን ብራንድ MIC LED ከተመሰረተ ጀምሮ በጠንካራ የ R&D አቅም ፣ በሙያዊ የቴክኒክ ቡድን እና በኢንዱስትሪው ውስጥ የበለፀገ ልምድ በመያዝ በየዓመቱ ከደንበኞች ከሚጠበቀው በላይ አዳዲስ ምርቶችን እንጀምራለን ፣ ይህም ሁልጊዜ የኢንዱስትሪ አዝማሚያውን ይመራል ፡፡

  • የሥራ ቮልቴጅ: AC90-300V
  • የ LED መብራት ሕይወት: 50, 000 ሰዓታት
  • የአይፒ ደረጃ: IP65
  • የኃይል ምክንያት:> 0.95
ቀዳሚ አሁን ይጥቀሱ ቀጣይ
  • መግለጫ
  • ዝርዝር መግለጫ

New 20w LED Flood Light

Save electricity bill: Replace 100W halogen bulb with 20W LED. Save 90% on electricity bill of lighting.

Maintenance Free: Extremely long life reduces re-lamp frequency. Save labor cost to replace bulbs with short lifespan.

Wide beam angle: Create super bright, shadow-free security and wide beam distribution for general purpose flood lighting.

Waterproof: New 20w LED Flood Light IP66.

ሙሉ ለሙሉ ተለዋዋጭ መፍትሔ- Fixtures come with a yoke-style arm can be positioned in almost any angle and a variety of application settings.

እጅግ በጣም የታመቀ መጠን- አንድ ቁራጭ ቤት 4.71 x 5 x 1.44 ኢንች ብቻ የሚለካ ፡

የሚበረክት መኖሪያ ቤት- Rugged die-cast aluminum, scratch and fade resistant. Excellent appearance.

የሙቀት መስታወት- ደህንነቱ የተጠበቀ እና እጅግ በጣም ከፍተኛ የብርሃን ማስተላለፊያ።

ለኢኮ-ተስማሚ- እርሳስ ወይም ሜርኩሪ የለም ፡

አደገኛ ልቀቶች የሉም - የዩ.አይ.ቪ ወይም አይአርአይ ጨረር የለም ፡

የግቤት ቮልቴጅ: 100-240 ቪ ኤሲ.

Length of the cable: 5.9-11.8 ኢንች.


ለስታዲየሞች ፣ ለካሬዎች ፣ ለቢልቦርዶች ፣ ለመኪና ማቆሚያዎች ፣ ለውጫዊ ግድግዳዎች ግንባታ ፣ ወዘተ ተስማሚ ነው ፡፡

20w LED Floodlight ን እንዴት እንደሚጫኑ

1. በመብራት ማንጠልጠያ ውስጥ ባሉ የማዞሪያ ክፍተቶች መሠረት የመጫኛ ቀዳዳዎችን ይከርሙ ፡፡
2. ቅንፉን ያያይዙ እና ወደ ቦታው እንዲገባ ያድርጉ ፡፡
3. የመብራት አቅጣጫውን እንደወደዱት ያስተካክሉ።
4. የኃይል መሪውን ከዋናው አቅርቦት ጋር ያገናኙ።

high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW*
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
high efficiency solution* Waterproof degree IP66* Match with brand driver MW* .
Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules.
Waterproof degree IP66* high efficiency solution*
high efficiency solution* New 20w LED Flood Light Waterproof degree IP66* .
Match with brand driver MW* Can be used in parallel with multiple modules
የምርት ስም 20W መር የጎርፍ መጥለቅለቅ
የሞዴል ቁጥር ኤምኤፍኤል-ኤስ 20
የሃይል ፍጆታ 20 ወ
የብርሃን ውጤታማነት > 100lm / ወ
የሥራ ቮልቴጅ AC90-300 ቪ
ኃይል ምክንያት > 0.95
የ LED ቺፕ ፊሊፕስ 3030 ኤል.ዲ.ኤስ.
የቀለም መቀየሪያ ማውጫ > 80
ቲ.ዲ. <15%
የ LED መብራት ሕይወት 50000 ሰዓት
የምስክር ወረቀት CE, ROHS, CUL, UL, DLC
ዋስትና 5 ዓመታት
የአይ.ፒ. አይፒ 65
የጨረር አንግል 120 °
የቀለም ሙቀት ሞቃት ነጭ: 2700-3500K
ንጹህ ነጭ: 4000-4500K
ቀዝቃዛ ነጭ: 5000-6500K
የቤቶች ቁሳቁስ የአሉሚኒየም ሙቀት መስጫ + ሙቀት መስታወት
የማሸጊያ ሳጥን 51.5X38X26cm, 20pcs / ctn
አሁኑኑ እኛን ያነጋግሩን እና ንግድዎን ለመጀመር እና ለማስፋፋት እንረዳ!
በትላልቅም ሆነ በትናንሽ አዳዲስ ፕሮጀክቶች ላይ የማጣመር ፍላጎት አለን ፡፡ ኢሜል ይላኩልን እና ከሰኞ እስከ ቅዳሜ ከሰዓት በኋላ ከ 8 ሰዓት እስከ 22 ሰዓት ባለው ጊዜ ውስጥ በቅርብ ጊዜ እንገናኛለን ወይም በስልክ እንገናኛለን ፡፡

    ኤምአይሲ በቻይና ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራት እና የፀሐይ ብርሃን መብራቶች ትልቁ አምራቾች ፣ አቅራቢዎች እና ላኪዎች እንዲሁም በኃይል ቆጣቢ መፍትሔዎች ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም አቅራቢ ነው ፡፡
    © የቅጂ መብት 2010-2020: ሁሉም መብቶች የተጠበቁ ናቸው. ዲዛይን በ ኤች.ኪ.ቲ