So let’s take into consideration all the most important factors in order to better furnish our garden with led solar street light.
- The Catenaries
- Vintage style light bulbs
- Outdoor Lamps
- Recessed Wall Lamps
- Led Spotlights Step Markers
- Solar Energy Lamps
- Outdoor lampposts and lanterns
- Led strips with white or colored light
What are the areas of the garden to install led solar street light?
To enhance our garden it is important to identify which are the areas on which we want to focus our attention.
What are the ideal lights for our garden?
The solutions that we will propose below are within everyone’s reach and refer to the different types of lighting that are connected directly to the domestic electricity.
The main led solar street light guidelines to consider are the following:
- Identify the areas where you want to install the lamps
- The type of lights to be common
- Consider installing a motion sensor lighting system
But a fundamental prerogative that lamps dedicated to gardens must have is their suitability for outdoor environments. For this reason it will therefore be important to know about led solar street light:
- Able to resist moisture
- Able to withstand atmospheric agents
- Made with watertight and anti-corrosion materials
In order for the lamps for outdoor use, it is necessary to use the 70-1 Standard. This will be able to easily identify the protection of the casing of electrical devices. Regarding the degree of electrical protection, we talk about it in this article that we strongly recommend you read to deepen the subject and evaluate your choices in the best possible way.
After having taken note of the fundamental elements to better manage the lighting in your garden, let’s move on to consider the different types of products that can be right for us.
Light up the garden with led solar street light
The Catenaries
When the seasons lend themselves to let us experience moments of relaxation outdoors, the desire to find creative solutions is always around the corner. Our advice to make your stay in your beloved garden even more pleasant is to adorn the most convivial area of these rooms with led solar street light.
The table area and the barbecue area will undoubtedly benefit from it. To make the atmosphere even more festive, a must to be able to combine with this type of product are undoubtedly colored light bulbs.
If you prefer a more relaxed and friendly environment, the ideal will be to use vintage bulbs with warm light. Moreover, you can use this for a very pleasant effect on a sensorial level.
What is super bright led solar street light?
Super bright led string lights are led lights developed to increase the luminous intensity range of led lights in decorative lighting applications requiring strong light.
Moreover, this gradually replaces high-power lamps with LED lights to save energy and reduce maintenance costs thanks to long life. This article gives you general knowledge about super bright led string lights and its applications.
What are the best features of led solar street light?
LED lights with preeminent features are becoming very popular in developed countries. However, in Vietnam, the conversion rate to LEDs is still very low and the basic understanding of LEDs is still very new to everyone; even interior design professionals.
Therefore, this website in addition to selling led lights also updates the basic knowledge about led lights. From there, you can distinguish and choose the right type of led solar street light according to your needs. This article will refer to super bright led string lights.
What is LED string light?
LEDs are light emitting diodes. LED string lights are light-emitting diodes implanted on soft circuit strips on a flexible plastic (plastic), t. All led string lights have to undergo infrared testing to ensure the quality of the leds.
There are many different LED chip manufacturers, but with good quality and popularity, Taiwan’s Epistar is the world’s largest manufacturer. There are the following types of led chips:
SMD LED chips vs led solar street light
LEDs are available in 12V, 24V or 220V types. The 220V type needs good production and quality management because it must be insulated along the entire led wire to ensure safety
The lighting angle of the common led string lights is 120 degrees. LED lights use dimmer on the principle of changing the on-off range of the lamp, unlike filament lamps, which use a resistor to change the current through the lamp.
What is super bright led string light?
Super bright led string lights use LED chips that emit light from 20 Lumens/led.
Lumens is a unit of measurement for brightness. It is to be able to imagine the Lumens measure, take the flash of the iPhone 6S as a standard measure. The flashlight of Iphone 6S is 10 Lumens and 1 super bright led chip will be twice as bright as the flash of Iphone 6S.
The brightness of the super bright led solar street light, however, depends on the number of leds/m. You will find the following common standards 60led/m, 120led/m and 240led/m.
So the brightness of 1 led string will be = led/mx Lumens/led
If a string of led lights we see the following parameters: “28CE-IN60” ie using 2835 led chips of 29Lumens/led type, infers that this is a super bright led string light, with 60led/m.
With 1m of this led string, we will get 60 * 29 = 1,740 Lumens / led, brighter than a regular 1m2 Neon tube light (only 1,300Lumens). If you use 120led/m2 type, you will get 3,580 Lumens/m2, nearly 3 times brighter than 1m2 tube lights.
Summary led solar street light
So, you see, if you want a strong light source to decorate your products, counters, especially high-end products. Super bright led solar street light are a very important choice thanks to their beautiful design and affordable price competitive, while saving electricity.
With the combination of aluminum led bar lights, you can create designs that are both simple and easy to do, but very modern and personal. The design sketches below all use super bright led string lights to decorate product cabinets combined with led aluminum bars.