የ LED የጫማ ሳጥን መብራት
Shoebox light Introduction
Henንዘን MIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. የተመሰረተው እ.ኤ.አ. በ 2005 ሲሆን በሎንግጋንግ አውራጃ ፣ henንዘን ፣ ጓንግንግ ውስጥ ይገኛል ፡፡ በቤት ውስጥ እና በውጭ መብራት ከፍተኛ ኃይል ያለው የኤል.ዲ. የኤል.ዲ. መብራቶች ምርቶች ፣ ምርቶች እና ሽያጮች ምርምር እና ልማት ላይ በማተኮር በ LED optoelectronics መስክ መሪ የተቀናጀ ኦፕሬሽን አገልግሎት ኩባንያ ነው ፡፡ ኩባንያው ደረጃውን የጠበቀ የምርት ማምረቻ መስመሮች ፣ ራስን መደገፍ ከውጭ የሚገቡ እና ወደ ውጭ የመላክ መብቶች እንዲሁም የሙያ አስተዳደር ፣ ምርምርና ልማት ፣ የማኑፋክቸሪንግ እና የግብይት ቡድኖች ፣ ከመቶ በላይ ሠራተኞች አሉት ፡፡ ምርቶች የሚከተሉትን ያጠቃልላሉ-ከፍተኛ ኃይል ያላቸው የ LED የጎዳና መብራቶች ፣ የኤል. የፀሐይ የፀሐይ ጎዳና መብራቶች ፣ የ LED ከፍተኛ የባህር ኃይል መብራቶች ፣ የ LED ዋሻ መብራቶች ፣ የ LED ቱቦዎች ፣ የ LED አምፖሎች ፣ የ LED መብራቶች ፣ የኤልዲ ትራክ መብራቶች ፣
ኩባንያው ISO9001 ዓለም አቀፍ ጥራት ስርዓት ማረጋገጫ እና ISO14001 ዓለም አቀፍ የአካባቢ አስተዳደር ስርዓት ማረጋገጫ አል passedል; እና UL, TUV, CE, ROHS, FCC እና ሌሎች ዓለም አቀፍ የሙከራ እና የምስክር ወረቀት ሪፖርቶች ለተለያዩ ምርቶች አሉት ፡፡
በጥራት ይተርፉ እና በፈጠራ ያዳብሩ። Henንዘን ቹንግኪ ኦፕቶኤሌክትሮኒክስ “ደንበኞችን በሙሉ ልብ ማገልገል” የሚለውን መርህ በማክበር ለደንበኞች ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያላቸውን ምርቶች በማቅረብ እና ከሽያጭ በኋላ ፍጹም የሆነ አገልግሎት በማቅረብ ለልማት በቴክኖሎጂ ፈጠራ ላይ አጥብቆ ይጠይቃል ፡፡ ካምፓኒው ከልብ ከአዳዲስ እና ከድሮ ደንበኞች ጋር በመተባበር እና በጋራ ለማዳበር ፈቃደኛ ነው ፡፡
Applicable places: Mainly all outdoor lighting, such as roads, squares, parking lots, yards, gardens, streets, boats, and other places
ውጤታማነት | 130lm / ወ | ቁሳቁስ | Aluminum+PC |
የቀለም ሙቀት | 3000 ኪ-6500 ኪ | የሥራ ሙቀት | -35 ° ሴ ~ 55 ° ሴ |
ጩኸት | ራ> 70 | ጨርስ | ቡናማ / ጥቁር |
LED | 3030 | አይፒ ደረጃ ተሰጥቶታል | Ip65 |
የጨረር አንግል | ዓይነት Ⅱ ፣ ዓይነት T ፣ ዓይነት V | የምስክር ወረቀት | ዲ.ኤል. |
Power Factoty | > 0.9 | የቁሳቁስ አጠቃቀም | የ RoHS ተገዢ |
Input Voilage | 100-277Vac,50/60Hz | አማራጭ መለዋወጫ | Photocell Sensor/Microwave motion sensor |
ቲ.ዲ. | <20% |
የምርት ባህሪዎች
1: The LED Shoebox light shell is made of newly designed high-quality all-aluminum material, die-casting one-time forming, the appearance is simple and stylish, the appearance is anodized, electrostatic spraying, the heat dissipation device and the lamp housing are integrated design, corrosion resistance and good heat dissipation performance. The profile has large scattered area, beautiful appearance and good waterproof. The main part of the lamp body can be customized according to the needs of customers.
2: Shell structure: Our shoebox light shell is formed by die-casting aluminum at one time. It is equipped with a finned radiator and integrated into the shell to form an efficient heat dissipation structure. There are 4 types of lamp arms to choose from, which can be placed on a round light pole. It can also be installed on a square pole, on the wall, or on the ceiling.
3: Structural waterproof function: Because of the use of die-cast aluminum technology, our garden lamp has few openings. We use waterproof silica gel at the interface of each mold to ensure the tightness of the lamp and reach IP66 waterproof level , To ensure that no water and dust enter.
4: Excellent expansion performance: A light sensor probe is reserved on the upper part of the lamp housing, and an infrared mobile probe can also be installed under the lamp housing to enhance the energy-saving effect.
Comparison between LED Shoebox Light and traditional street light (high pressure sodium lamp)
በመብራት ማስጌጥ እና ብርሃን ውስጥ ከፍተኛ ኃይል ያላቸው ኤሌዲዎች በሰፊው በመጠቀማቸው የኃይል ዓይነት የኤል.ዲ. ሾፌሮች በጣም አስፈላጊ እየሆኑ መጥተዋል ፡፡ ለመንገድ መብራት ከፍተኛ ኃይል ያለው የ LED መብራት መጠቀም ይቻል ይሆናል ፡፡ የመንገድ መብራት ረጅሙ የመጠቀም ጊዜ እና በጣም የኃይል ፍጆታ ያለው መብራት ነው ፡፡ የጎዳና ላይ መብራቶች ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራቶች መጠቀማቸው በከተሞች ውስጥ ያለውን የኤሌክትሪክ እጥረት በእጅጉ ይቀንሰዋል እንዲሁም ብሔራዊ ኃይልን ይቆጥባል ፡፡ የኤል.ዲ የመንገድ መብራቶች ብዙ የአገር ውስጥ አምራቾች አሉ ፣ እና የምርቶቻቸው አፈፃፀም በጣም የተለያየ ነው ፡፡ እዚህ በኩባንያችን ያመረተውን የኤልዲ የጎዳና መብራትን እንደ ምሳሌ ብቻ ይያዙ ፡፡ ከባህላዊው የጎዳና መብራት (ከፍተኛ ግፊት የሶዲየም መብራት) ጋር ያወዳድሩ።
ከዚህ በታች ስለ ኤልዲ የመንገድ መብራቶች እና ባህላዊ የጎዳና መብራቶች አፈፃፀም እና ኢኮኖሚ አስተያየት እንሰጣለን ፡፡
- የአገልግሎት ሕይወት ንፅፅር በአሁኑ ወቅት በገበያው ውስጥ የሚዘዋወሩት ባህላዊ የጎዳና መብራት ምንጭ ከፍተኛ ግፊት ያላቸው የሶዲየም አምፖሎች በጥራት እና በቴክኒካዊ ጉዳዮች ምክንያት አጭር ዕድሜ አላቸው ፣ በአጠቃላይ ከ 6000 ሰዓታት በታች ፡፡ የሃንግዙ ቾንግጋንግ ዲጂታል ቴክኖሎጂ ኮ. ፣ ሊሚትድ የ LED የመንገድ መብራቶች የሕይወት ዘመን ከዛሬ ከዛሬ የተሻለ የደም ግፊት ከፍተኛ የሶዲየም አምፖሎች ሕይወት ከ 8 እጥፍ ይበልጣል ፡፡ ያም ማለት ፣ ከፍተኛ ግፊት ያላቸው የሶዲየም መብራቶች ከ 8 ጊዜ በላይ ይተካሉ ፣ እና የኤልዲ የጎዳና ላይ መብራቶች አንድ ጊዜ ብቻ ይተካሉ። የብርሃን ምንጩን የመተካት ዋጋ በሕይወት አይኖርም ፣ እና የጥገና ወጪው በዚህ ምክንያት የተከሰቱ ብዙ አለመመጣጠን በጣም ግልፅ ንፅፅር ነው ፡፡ (የጎዳና መብራቱ ልዩ ዓላማ በመሆኑ እሱን ለመተካት አስቸጋሪ ነው ፣ ክዋኔውን ለማጠናቀቅ የተወሰነ የሰው ኃይል እና የማሽን ሀብቶችን ይጠይቃል)። በመለዋወጥ ጊዜዎች ላይ የተወሰነ ገደብ አለ ፣ በአጠቃላይ የመቀያየር ከ 4000 እስከ 5000 ጊዜ ብቻ ፣ ህይወቱ አብቅቷል። በማንኛውም ጊዜ በሚቀያየርበት ጊዜ እና የአገልግሎት ህይወቱ ማብቂያ ላይ የኤል.ዲ. ጎዳና መብራቱ ጠቆር ያለ ነገር የለም ፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ከፍተኛ ግፊት ያለው የሶዲየም መብራት ለ 1000 ጊዜ በርቷል ወይም ከ 1000 ሰዓታት በኋላ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል ፣ የመብራት ቧንቧው ጥቁር ነው ፣ እና የብርሃን ውጤታማነት በ 16% ቀንሷል። ኩባንያችን ከውጭ በኒሺያ ቺፕስ የታሸጉ ከውጭ የሚመጡ ብሩህ አካሎችን ይጠቀማል ፣ ጥራቱ ያለምንም ጥርጥር በገበያው ውስጥ ከፍተኛው ምርት ነው ፡፡ በማንኛውም ጊዜ በሚቀያየርበት ጊዜ እና የአገልግሎት ህይወቱ ማብቂያ ላይ የኤል.ዲ. ጎዳና መብራቱ ጠቆር ያለ ነገር የለም ፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ከፍተኛ ግፊት ያለው የሶዲየም መብራት ለ 1000 ጊዜ በርቷል ወይም ከ 1000 ሰዓታት በኋላ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል ፣ የመብራት ቧንቧው ጥቁር ነው ፣ እና የብርሃን ውጤታማነት በ 16% ቀንሷል። ኩባንያችን ከውጭ በኒሺያ ቺፕስ የታሸጉ ከውጭ የሚመጡ ብሩህ አካሎችን ይጠቀማል ፣ ጥራቱ ያለምንም ጥርጥር በገበያው ውስጥ ከፍተኛው ምርት ነው ፡፡ በማንኛውም ጊዜ በሚቀያየርበት ጊዜ እና በአገልግሎት ህይወቱ ማብቂያ ላይ የኤል.ዲ. ጎዳና መብራቱ ምንም ጥቁር ነገር የለም ፡፡ ሆኖም ከፍተኛ ግፊት ያለው የሶዲየም መብራት ለ 1000 ጊዜ በርቷል ወይም ከ 1000 ሰዓታት በኋላ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል ፣ የመብራት ቧንቧው ጥቁር ነው ፣ እና የብርሃን ውጤታማነት በ 16% ቀንሷል። ኩባንያችን ከውጭ በኒሺያ ቺፕስ የታሸጉ ከውጭ የሚመጡ ብሩህ አካሎችን ይጠቀማል ፣ ጥራቱ ያለምንም ጥርጥር በገበያው ውስጥ ከፍተኛው ምርት ነው ፡፡
- Comparison of start-up performance LED street lights start instantly, and it takes more than 10 minutes for the high-pressure sodium lamp to start to reach normal brightness. During this time, the high-pressure sodium lamp consumes a lot of power, while the LED street light consumes normal power. Through the control circuit (such as Hangzhou Zhonggang Digital), the input voltage of the LED street light can be between 90 volts and 265 volts, which has no effect on the LED lights. The high-pressure sodium lamp cannot start when the input voltage is less than 185V, and the power increases by 12% when the input voltage exceeds 245V. In this way, high-pressure sodium lamps have higher requirements for power supply lines. The LED has no effect.
- የቀለም አተያየት ንፅፅር የከፍተኛ ግፊት የሶዲየም መብራቶች ቀለም ማቅረቢያ ከ 20 እስከ 30 ብቻ ሊደርስ ይችላል ፣ የኤልዲ የመንገድ ላይ መብራቶች ደግሞ ከ 85 በላይ ሊደርሱ ይችላሉ ፡፡ ከባህላዊ መብራት መብራት ጋር ሲነፃፀር አሽከርካሪው በመንገዱ እና በአካባቢው አካባቢ ያሉ መሰናክሎችን በተሻለ መለየት ይችላል ፡፡ መንገዱን እና የትራፊክ አደጋ መከሰትን ለመቀነስ ፡፡ የቀለም አተረጓጎም ደረጃ በቀጥታ የሰውን ዓይኖች ወደ ብርሃን ወደ ስኮትፒክ ልዩነት (S / P) ያንፀባርቃል። ስለዚህ በከፍተኛ ግፊት በሶዲየም አምፖል የሚወጣው የብርሃን ፍሰት በሰው ዓይን የተገነዘበ ብርሃን እንዲሆን በማስተካከያ እሴት (0.64) መባዛት አለበት። ጥንካሬ በ LED መብራት የሚወጣው የብርሃን ፍሰት በሰው ዓይን የተገነዘበው ጥንካሬ እንዲሆን በማስተካከያ እሴት (1.60) መባዛት አለበት።
- Color temperature range The color temperature range of high-pressure sodium lamps is 2000 to 2500, while the color temperature range of LED street lamps is 2700k to 9000k. If the color temperature is low, it gives people a warm feeling in winter, but it gives people a hot feeling in summer. If the color temperature is high, it will give people a cold feeling in winter and a cool feeling in summer. Generally, people spend more time in the evening in summer, but less time in the evening in winter, and there are more hot weather than cold weather in the year. Therefore, it is better to use white light with a high color temperature for road lighting.
- Luminous decay The luminous decay of LED street lamps has a lot to do with the radiators of LED lamps. Some manufacturers do better. For example, our company adopts the self-developed "Multi-Layered Heat Dissipation System" technology that has obtained national invention patents. It is independently developed and opened, and the developed radiator makes it fit well with the lamp piece to achieve the best heat dissipation effect. According to the current data, its light decay is less than 3% in 10,000 hours! The light decay of the high pressure sodium lamp is generally greater than 25% in 2000 hours.
- Comparison of lamp efficiency The power efficiency of our company's LED street lamps can reach 88%, while the efficiency of high-pressure sodium lamps can only reach 70%. For example, the power consumption of a 120-watt LED street lamp is 138 watts, while that of a 120-watt high-pressure sodium lamp is 156 watts.
- Comparison of environmental protection LED street lights contain no mercury, no ultraviolet radiation, and low working temperature effectively reduce heat emissions. Because they save electricity, they save coal for power generation and use less coal for power generation, thus saving carbon dioxide emissions! The high-pressure sodium lamp contains mercury and ultraviolet radiation, and it emits a lot of heat during work, consumes electricity, wastes coal and emits a lot of carbon dioxide! The LED power factor is greater than 0.99, and the power factor of the high-pressure sodium lamp is about 0.44. In this way, the pollution of the LED to the power grid is small, and the pollution of the high-pressure sodium lamp to the power grid is great! LED lamps have no stroboscopic and light pollution, while high-pressure sodium lamps have obvious stroboscopic and light pollution.
- Effective light utilization rate Due to the characteristics of LED light source similar to point light source, it emits directional light to the illuminated object. There is basically no waste of light, so it has a very high light utilization rate, which can reach more than 92%. However, because the high pressure sodium lamp emits on all sides, part of the light is blocked by the light source itself and has a large luminous point. It is difficult to make optical design, and the efficiency of the lamp is not high, and the output The light spot will not reconcile with the required effective irradiation surface and waste part of the light source. Therefore, it is projected to the surface of the illuminated object through the reflector of the lamp, and part of the light will be lost in the middle. Therefore, the effective light utilization rate of traditional lamps is 55~60%
LED Street Light VS HPS Lamp ROI Analysis (ቀጥተኛ ምትክ ) | ||||
የብርሃን ምንጭ እቃ | HPS Street Lamp | MIC LED shoebox light | Remark | |
የመጀመሪያ ኢንቬስትሜንት | የብርሃን ኃይል ምንጭ | 500 ዋ | 150 ዋ | |
ኪቲ | 100pcs | 100pcs | ||
የኤሌክትሪክ ኃይል ፍጆታ | የብርሃን ኃይል ምንጭ | 500 ዋ | 150 ዋ | |
አሰራጭ | ባላስት | ሾፌር | ||
150 ዋ | 20 ወ | |||
Line Loss(5%) | 25 ወ | 8 ወ | International Standard 5% | |
Transformer Loss(3%) | 15 ወ | 5 ወ | 100kVA Transformer min.3% | |
ምላሽ ሰጭ ካሳ | ፒኤፍ 0.80 | ፒኤፍ 0.95 | ||
የእያንዳንዱ መብራት ኃይል | 863 ወ | 192W | ||
ኪቲ | 100pcs | 100pcs | Full Power 6 Hours | |
Half Power 6 Hours | ||||
ጠቅላላ የመብራት ኃይል | 86.3kw | 19.2kw | ||
ዕለታዊ የኃይል ፍጆታ | 1,035 kwh | 172.85 kwh | ||
ዓመታዊ የኃይል ፍጆታ | 377,775 kwh | 63,091 kwh | ||
የ 10 ዓመታት የኃይል ፍጆታ | 3,777,750 kwh | 630,909 kwh |
LED shoe box lights are another name for LED street lights, also called parking lot lights.
The appearance of the lamp is stylish, simple, tough and generous, and the whole body adopts simple and smooth lines, which conforms to the aesthetic concept of European and American people. The lamp is popular in Europe and America and is well received by local citizens. The lamp body adopts a square shape as a whole, and the body part and the radiator part are in line with the overall tough style, and some changes are added to the details, adding some beauty. Because it looks more like a shoe box in our daily life, it is called it. Lights for shoe boxes. In the design, the radiator and ribs are deliberately placed outside, making it a part of the appearance of the lamp to highlight the beauty of industry. Especially the reflector design built into the lampshade makes the lamp body look brighter.
The lamp shell is die-casted and has good impact resistance. The integrated hot plate radiator uses the principle of object phase change to maximize the heat dissipation effect. The heat dissipation efficiency is 25 times higher than that of ordinary aluminum radiators. The integrated hot plate radiator is like a vacuum cleaner that absorbs the heat emitted by the LED. On the radiator. More importantly, the structure of the lamp is reasonable, and the lamp body part is connected up and down, which makes full use of the principle of air flow, so that the gas flows through the radiator without any obstruction. After the lamp works, the heat sucked by the "vacuum cleaner" heats up the surrounding air. The low-temperature gas flows through the radiator and takes away the temperature on the radiator. The high-temperature gas continues to rise to diffuse the heat into the atmosphere, so that the lamp is fully cooled. In this way, the low temperature gas flows into the radiator, and then the high temperature gas is taken out of the radiator, which is equivalent to adding a natural air conditioner to the lamp. Even in a laboratory without any air convection, the structure can still exert the maximum heat dissipation effect. What I just said is the advantage of the through structure in terms of heat dissipation. This structure has another advantage, that is, because the whole body is through up and down, dust and snow cannot accumulate on the radiator, so the lamps can work normally under daily weather conditions. , In addition, the structure through the top and bottom is self-cleaning, rain water can wash away the dust attached to the lamp, and our lampshade is made of PC material with hydrophilic factor, so that the lampshade is not prone to fogging, and various bad weather conditions are not affected The lamps glow normally. Let’s talk about power dissipation. When almost everyone pays attention to LED heat dissipation, we have already turned our attention to power dissipation. But customers know that a lamp with a lifetime of 50,000 hours can only be equipped with a lifetime of 30,000 hours. What should I think about the power supply? Our lamps are guaranteed for 10 years in the true sense. This is not a slogan. This is a true after-sales promise. Our lamps are more expensive than Philips in Europe and America. This is the core value of our lamps. We are developing All links such as technology, process, procurement, production, quality inspection, transportation, after-sales, etc. are strictly controlled. This series of quality assurance is a strong basis for us to dare to say 10 years. We place the power supply on a waterproof board with a grid structure. All the grid structures increase the heat dissipation area of the power supply. The power supply is close to the waterproof board, and the heat emitted is radiated into the atmosphere through the grid. The grid structure is equivalent to adding horizontal and vertical ribs to it, so that the waterproof board integrates heat dissipation, rigidity and sealing. The waterproof board is the only window for installing or replacing the power supply of the lamp. Only the screws on the waterproof board need to be removed. Can complete lighting wiring and maintenance. The lamp adopts a modular design, which truly realizes the separation of the light source module and the power module. This design not only facilitates production, greatly improves production efficiency, it is more convenient for customers to use and after-sales service, and effectively reduces maintenance costs. With time. The waterproof plate of the lamp adopts the hinge structure design, which makes the maintenance operation more convenient. Open the screw and the waterproof plate can be unscrewed freely. It is hung on the tail of the lamp through the hinge. The operator does not need to hold the lamp body, which frees one hand and can completely Focus on construction or maintenance. There are screws at both ends of the lamp body. Remove the screws during maintenance, you can remove the lamp body that needs maintenance, replace it with a new one, and lock the screws to complete the replacement. We also have reserved holes for the induction probe on the top of the lamp to install the light sensor probe. In addition, the infrared sensor probe can be installed on the front of the lamp, so that the shoe box lamp can be equipped with the sensor head as needed. Realize the effect of automatically turning on at night and turning off in the morning, or when a car passes through automatically. The top and bottom of the upper and lower through channels of the luminaire, as well as the periphery of the luminaire, the connection between the lamp body and the lampshade are designed with waterproof edges and drainage edges. The subtle design of this place prevents rainwater from accumulating in key sealed areas, which provides the IP67 protection level of the luminaire Effective guarantee.
MIC shoebox light Our lamp is characterized by strong integration, multiple installation methods, simple and beautiful appearance. It can be used as a street lamp or a garden lamp, and has a wide range of applications. It is a mature product that has been selling well for many years.