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ቤት> > ዜና> ስሎቫኪያ ውስጥ 150w UFO High Bay Light

150w UFO High Bay Light በስሎቫኪያ

ሐምሌ 04 ፣ 2019

150w ufo high bay light in slovakia

ኢንዱስትሪ- የማከማቻ ቦታ


An indutry warehouse set up in 2018, located in SOPORNA SLOVAKIA, it is for the purpose of Hardware equipment storage, which is covering an area of 5000m². Urgently needs Led type lamps to solve lighting problem.


Considering the condition of ceiling and wall around, UFO Led high bay light with bracket and Led Panel light are perfect choice to solve the lighting problem;301pcs 6000K 150W UFO high bay light with bracket were installed on the top of ceiling holders; And 280pcs 4500K 60*120cm 36W mounted on side walls.

ኤምአይሲ በቻይና ውስጥ የኤልዲ መብራት እና የፀሐይ ብርሃን መብራቶች ትልቁ አምራቾች ፣ አቅራቢዎች እና ላኪዎች እንዲሁም በኃይል ቆጣቢ መፍትሔዎች ውስጥ ግንባር ቀደም አቅራቢ ነው ፡፡
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