60w Lamp Bulb
60w Lamp Bulb Features
1. توفير الطاقة كبير ، والأخضر.
2. جهد الإدخال GSM ، شبكة الطاقة الخالية من التلوث.
3. عمل الجهد المنخفض الحرارة المنخفضة وآمنة وموثوق بها.
4. Is the best light source of solar energy, high luminous efficiency.
5. نوع جديد من التصميم البصري لضوء الشارع (عدسة ضوء مستطيلة) ، عدسة فريدة وتصميم متكامل عاكس الضوء ، المبرد الأول ، وتصميم غلاف المصباح المتكامل ، تصميم متكامل فريد ومبتكر ، شكل رفيع.
6. التحكم الذكي في مراقبة التيار.
7. لا وهج ضار ، لا تلوث ضوئي ، لا ضغط مرتفع ، لا غبار ، لا حرارة ، عاكس الضوء لن يتقدم في العمر أصفر.
8. نطاق جهد تشغيل واسع ، لا تأخير في البدء ، لا وميض.
9. اللكم ، الزلزالية القوية ، لا الأشعة فوق البنفسجية ، والأشعة تحت الحمراء.
10. ارتفاع مؤشر تجسيد اللون ، تقديم لون جيد ، مجموعة متنوعة من درجة حرارة اللون اختياري.
60w Lamp Bulb Applications
1. تستخدم في الطرق الثانوية الحضرية والطرق السكنية وإضاءة الأرصفة
2. لإضاءة المناظر الطبيعية وإضاءة الحديقة
3. للإضاءة التي تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية والرياح.
4. تستخدم في المناجم والسفن والأدوات الآلية وإضاءة أخرى.
5. يمكن أن تحل محل المصابيح المتوهجة الموفرة للطاقة والمصابيح ومصابيح الزئبق ومصابيح الصوديوم دون الحاجة إلى استبدال حامل المصباح الأصلي.
Lens optional
Symmetrical PC lens: 20/40/60/60/90˚
Asymmetrical PC lens: 100*140˚
1060 Aluminum
Commercially pure aluminum, high aluminum content and purity, high corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Outstanding performance, with excellent thermal conduction effect that general aluminum alloy can not be.Beam angle
Module's beam angle can be adjustable.
Driver Box
Intelligent temperature control branded driver used with 5 years long time warranty,960w LED Flood Light is aluminum drive house with IP67 waterproof, and it can fast conduct the heat from the driver to be out.
About Us
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
Lens optional
Symmetrical PC lens: 20/40/60/60/90˚
Asymmetrical PC lens: 100*140˚
1060 Aluminum
Commercially pure aluminum, high aluminum content and purity, high corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Outstanding performance, with excellent thermal conduction effect that general aluminum alloy can not be.Beam angle
Module's beam angle can be adjustable.
Driver Box
Intelligent temperature control branded driver used with 5 years long time warranty,960w LED Flood Light is aluminum drive house with IP67 waterproof, and it can fast conduct the heat from the driver to be out.
About Us
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
Lens optional
Symmetrical PC lens: 20/40/60/60/90˚
Asymmetrical PC lens: 100*140˚
1060 Aluminum
Commercially pure aluminum, high aluminum content and purity, high corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Outstanding performance, with excellent thermal conduction effect that general aluminum alloy can not be.Beam angle
Module's beam angle can be adjustable.
Driver Box
Intelligent temperature control branded driver used with 5 years long time warranty,960w LED Flood Light is aluminum drive house with IP67 waterproof, and it can fast conduct the heat from the driver to be out.
About Us
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.