High Bright 2835 SMD Outdoor E27 36w LED Corn Light Lamp
Min. Bestelhoeveelheid: 100 stuks
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Sedert die stigting van ons eie merk MIC LED, met 'n sterk R & D-kapasiteit, professionele tegniese span en 'n ryk ervaring in die bedryf, stel ons elke jaar nuwe produkte bekend as wat die klante verwag, wat altyd die neiging van die bedryf lei.
High Bright 2835 SMD Outdoor E27 36w LED Corn Light Lamp
Die beste prestasie van die hitteverspreidingstelsel MIC-bestuurder werk altyd in 'n gemaklike temperatuur in 'n oop stelsel, soos gebruik word deur 'n intelligente temperatuurbeheerbestuurder. En neem SMD 5730 LED's met hoë lumen aan, in vergelyking met ander LED-ligte, het MIC-geleide koringligte 'n hoër lumen, maar laer kragverbruik, en dit is IP65 waterdig en stofdig.
Adopt USA super bright LEDs, high lumen, long lifetime, whole lamp over 130lm/w one LED broken, all other leds still working.
Lamp Holder
White base, anti-fire and high temperature resistance, special holes design for cold air flow inside. E40/E39 E27/E26 base standard screw cap.
Heat Sink
Aviation aluminum used patent designed with fins to increase the heat dissipation area, combined with fan which can make the heat from leds fast dissipated.
Bestuurder boks
Smart control diver: when environment temperature of lamp reached 95 ℃,MIC corn bulb will be automatically starts protection function, power will be 30% reduced. After lamp cooling to 55 ℃, the lamp returns to normal power. Protect led driver and leds “0″ failure rate.
Lens optional
Simmetriese rekenaarlens: 20/40/60/60 / 90˚
Asymmetrical PC lens: 100*140˚
1060 Aluminum
Commercially pure aluminum, high aluminum content and purity, high corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Outstanding performance, with excellent thermal conduction effect that general aluminum alloy can not be.
Module's beam angle can be adjustable.
Driver Box
Intelligent temperature control branded driver used with 5 years long time warranty,960w LED Flood Light is aluminum drive house with IP67 waterproof, and it can fast conduct the heat from the driver to be out.
About Us
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
Lens optional
Simmetriese rekenaarlens: 20/40/60/60 / 90˚
Asymmetrical PC lens: 100*140˚
1060 Aluminum
Commercially pure aluminum, high aluminum content and purity, high corrosion resistance and high thermal conductivity. Outstanding performance, with excellent thermal conduction effect that general aluminum alloy can not be.
Module's beam angle can be adjustable.
Driver Box
Intelligent temperature control branded driver used with 5 years long time warranty,960w LED Flood Light is aluminum drive house with IP67 waterproof, and it can fast conduct the heat from the driver to be out.
About Us
Shenzhen Top-branded Enterprise and China Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relations. We independently design and manufacture LED products ranging from High Power LED Street Light to the other LED lights, which qualify us to be one of the largest manufacturers, suppliers, and exporters of High Bright 2835 SMD LED lighting and solar lights in China, as well as the leading provider in energy-saving solutions.
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MIC is een van die grootste vervaardigers, verskaffers en uitvoerders van LED-beligting en sonligte in China, sowel as die voorste verskaffer in energiebesparende oplossings.