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Masalah Garansi
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Warranty Issue

Masalah Garansi

MIC LED guarantees that all the products made and sold by MIC LED are strict quality-controlled to reach the standard for 3 years warranty. Garansi 3 tahun secara khusus meliputi:

Dalam penggunaan normal, setiap produk yang diverifikasi memiliki masalah kualitas oleh MIC LED atau otoritas pengujian pihak ketiga akan diganti atau dipertahankan dengan transportasi gratis oleh MIC secara gratis dalam waktu 6 bulan setelah produk dikirim keluar. Selama periode waktu mulai dari 6 bulan (setelah produk dikirim keluar) hingga bulan ke-12, MIC akan menawarkan perawatan dan biaya pengiriman. Dari bulan ke-12 hingga ke-24, MIC akan menawarkan suku cadang dan setengah dari biaya pengiriman (biaya pengiriman 50%), dari bulan ke-24 hingga ke-36, MIC hanya akan menawarkan suku cadang. Maka biaya pengiriman akan ditanggung oleh pelanggan.

 Warranty Issue  specifically excludes the following:

1. Expiration of the warranty period

2. Damages caused by installation or operation not in accordance with seller’s instruction.

3. Damage caused by disassembly service or refit without seller’s authorization

4. Damage caused by including but not limited to lightning, hurricanes, earthquakes, or flooding, etc

5. Corrosion caused by heavy fallout or exposure to corrosive chemicals or deterioration caused by corrosive fumes or condensations or harmful substances

6. It is normal that less than 0.3% LED Chip burn out it in single lamp unit. MIC led will not take responsibility under the circumstances

7. MIC led corn light series can be applied in the closed fixtures or lampshades.

Damages caused by DHL, FEDEX or UPS express. the customer have to open the parcels Before signing the courier receipt. if there are caused by express, can not sign the courier receipt. we will ask them compensate for loss and deliver the new lamp to you. we will not take the responsibility if the customer do not open and check the parcels before signing the waybill.

MIC adalah salah satu produsen, pemasok, dan pengekspor pencahayaan LED dan lampu tenaga surya terbesar di China, serta penyedia terkemuka dalam solusi hemat energi.
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